Some eventually would (who knows, maybe I'm just that bad in the sack and drove them to it), some didn't. In any case, those men would utilize my services in that they could easily fantasize that I was a guy, yet test the waters without really making the leap. I passed for a guy so well in fact that for a while I played on a softball team for the gay/lesbian bar I was frequenting, and often like the guys played topless, no one the wiser. Lastly I had narrow hips, a little rump, kept my hair very short in a 'boy-cut,' never wore makeup, and typically in my off time even dressed in men's clothes right down to wearing boxers.Literally, if I kept my boxers on and mouth shut I easily passed for a young, short (5'-6' then) guy. I had zero boobs, in fact I had pecs like a guy with nipples on the larger side of men's. In the day I was lean, toned and even ripped (which was even rare for men back then unlike today, the ripped part). I mention my build in that it was important. The last four years that I worked (as a dancer+, escort, etc.), very likely due to my build and butchy demeanor, I had a number of male clients that were gay, yet due to the day and age (early 90's, primarily in the South), and their ages (40's-early 50's), with most being in heterosexual marriages, would utilize my services to explore life as they wanted it to be.